Printers & Readers Manufacturers
Telerex is your partner for producing the best and most advanced interactive kiosks and Point-of-Sales applications, soit may come as no surprise that our product range covers covers some of the best OEM printers, card readers and barcode readers in the business. We offer Custom thermal printers, Magtek card readers and Zebex barcode readers, be it the bare bone mechanics, stand alone or hand-held units as well as complete assemblies.
Custom Printers
Telerex can offer, from the Italian company Custom, quality printers for public applications, access control, vending machines, and Point-of-Sale applications. Founded in 1992, Custom has experienced a solid and steady growth from a national market leader in 1995 to a global organisation with a network of leading partners and sub contractors. The original specialisation in producing Kiosk and ATM printers was soon expanded to offering solutions for gaming machines, ticket printers, vending machines and a wide range of other public applications
Hoffmann + Krippner
Experience since 1973. We are experts in custom input systems and printed electronics. In addition, we connect sensor applications and operating elements to the Internet for you and create future-oriented devices for your smart industrial application. As a medium-sized family business, we combine traditional manufacturing processes with innovative future technologies.
Magtek Card Readers
Magtek is one of the world's leading manufacturers of card readers for OEM applications, unmanned, and desktop applications. Founded in 1972, this manufacturer has over the years specialised in systems for the entry and reading of cards, the transmission of read data, PIN data, and the associated data security. MagTek is known for its leadership in technology, quality, and reliability.
Promag are specialists in RFID Identification, Technology, Readers and more. With a factory in Taiwan, Promag have gained several patents in the field. They supply consistently high quality products and continually improve upon the manufacturing processes and work environments through total employee involvement’s and strict adherence to fair business ethics.
Telerex supplies Zebex barcode readers as part of its total product package for public and industrial applications. With the increase in electronics and automation in many industries, the barcode has come to play a particularly important role in the processing, registration, and localisation of goods and people. Zebex supplies barcode readers for the most diverse applications, such OEM embedded module, hands-free, or handheld scanner.