Hilscher has an important position within Telerex’s range of communications and networking products. This German family company with headquarters in Hattersheim near Frankfurt has in the course of its operations opened branches in a number of countries including Italy, the USA, Switzerland, France, and Germany, and is a leading player in the market of industrial communication technology
Hilscher Products
- PC-Cards
- PC/104
- PC/104+
- PCI 104
- PCI Express
- Low Profile PCI Express
- Compact PCI
- Mini PCI
- Mini PCI Express
- Modules: COM, netIC, netDIMM, netJACK
- ASICs: netX 5/10/50/100/500
- Gateways: netLINK, netTAP, Protocol Converter, IO-Link, netBRICK, netSWITCH, SmartWire-DT
- Switches
- Controller: netPLC
- Analyzer: netANALYZER, SERCOS Monitor
Visit the website of Hilscher for more information.